Monday, July 9, 2018

EEND 679 Artifact #2: Assessment Tool Comparison Infographic

            The second artifact I chose to share for this class is the Assessment Tool Comparison Infographic. I chose this artifact because I think there are two elements here to be addressed. One element is that two different assessment tools that I compared. I really enjoyed reflecting on these tools, how I have used them and way in which I could potentially use them in the future. I used Go Formative almost every day during the last school year. However, when researching it for this project, I learned about even more options and capabilities of this resource. I look forward to using some of these new features in my classroom next year. Additionally, although I was familiar with Kahoot, I had not used it often in my classroom. It was fun to explore and see all the potential uses of this resource. While exploring I thought of so many ways in which to use this program in the future. The second reason I chose this artifact is the infographic element. In a previous class we learned about infographics and how beneficial they can be for student learning. However, this was my first time using piktochart. I was so impressed with this resource. I think I was able to create a really great looking infographic using this program. I look forward to introducing this resource to my students and using it in the classroom to see the amazing projects students can make.
            Although I really enjoyed using piktochart, there were some challenges that I experienced. I think that I was able to create a very sleek and visually appealing infographic. The resource I used, piktochart, was very user friendly. I did have to explore and play around a little with the site to find all the different available tools on the site. However, what I found to be most challenging was developing the content to display in the infographic. I very quickly chose Kahoot and GoFormative to compare. I was familiar with both of these resources, when that I used daily and the other that I wanted to use more frequently. However, I really struggled with identifying the five components I wanted to judge these resources on. I can see how students could be very excited about using the piktochart resource and create a wonderful looking project, but I imagine they may also struggle with what and how much information to show on their infographic. This was great project for me to experience before I assign an infographic assignment for my students.
            I think that infographics could be a great project in a classroom. I think it is a really creative way for students to show their understanding of a given topic. I think that students who struggle with writing long pieces, would really enjoy this kind of project to show their learning. I think that this kind of project is great because it is so diverse. One way I can imagine using this project in my classroom would be to have students create an infographic comparing two states or regions in social studies. Students already do some research on these topics and do a write up to show their learning. I think having them create infographics would be an even better way to show their understanding of the subject. Students could also use infographics to compare two different characters when reading. They could also show understanding of a science topic using an infographic. I think the diverse potential of this project and the creative aspect of the resource make this project a great addition to any classroom.  

            I feel like this artifact shows how much I have grown in my learning in not only this class, but during the series of five classes. In our third class, we learned about the importance of infographics. The infographic we read in the resources really struck me and has inspired me to use more infographics in my classroom. From early in the class we have explore a variety of different resources, such as Kahoot. This class has really allowed me to combine the knowledge I have gained in the previous classes and put it together in a way to really benefit the students in my classroom and use my knowledge to increase their learning and engagement. 

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