artifact that I created during this class was my Road
Trip Project. The purpose of this assignment was to create a project where
students would be working collaboratively. I chose this artifact because I am
proud of the lesson I was able to create and am excited to use this assignment
in my classroom during the upcoming school year.
artifact was one of the first assignments for this class. As such it held some
challenges for me. One aspect of the assignment was creating a classroom site
and utilizing a collaborative web tool. I have worked primarily in Canvas
during the past few years, however, this seemed like a good opportunity to
expand my knowledge of other technology resources. At first, I found the
project challenging in that I was overwhelmed with options available and trying
to determine what would be the best fit for my vision of my class site and the
accompanying project. However, once I decided on a Google Site, I was impressed
with how user friendly it was. I was happy with the aesthetics of the site, and
I really felt that it made my project accessible to my students. Similarly, I
struggled to determine the appropriate digital resource to best meet the needs
of the project. However, once I got started with the Padlet, it appeared to be
a good fit.
I am
excited to use this project with my fourth grade class this year. The social
studies curriculum centers on identifying the five themes of geography of the
five regions in the United States. It will be my first year teaching this
curriculum and I believed this project will help get my students excited about
learning more about the regions.
I feel that this artifact is a great example of how my understanding about
Educational Technology has improved. I feel that I took at topic (5 regions)
that is already an element of current curriculum, and was able to transform it
with technology to encourage a better understanding for my students.
This looks great! Very detailed. You incorporated lots of different tools. The kids will love it!